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JAN 07

It is so easy and desirable to go and hide in a corner and lick our wounds after public injury or failure. It takes great courage, resolve and huge self-belief to climb back into the ring. Just the act of getting back into the fray is deserving of great recognition but to get back to the pinnacle is just a little too much to expect or ask for. How have you felt when faced with being fired or made redundant? It can only ever be a particularly low moment in anybody’s career. How do you gather your emotions and your esteem to bounce back?

Muhammad Ali has never failed to bounce back from everything life has thrown at him, but he is ‘the greatest’! Nelson Mandela, Pope John Paul and Ronald Reagan bounced back after life threatening and seemingly soul destroying experiences. None of these great leaders returned embittered by these experiences.

This new unforgiving world has taken many casualties at the top of their professions. Many are asking is it really worth it? What are the sacrifices? What is the cost of failure? How do you deal with disappointments and setbacks?

We hear from 2 of the very best and it may not be easy listening, but if that’s what you are really after, then stay at home and tune into Classic FM, this is real, this is inspired leadership for Inspired Leaders!

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